Sunday, October 30, 2011
Strategy and Machine Concept
Our strategy is to first collect the single ping-pong ball from the front edge and deposit it in our base. Then we will proceed to cross the center line and push the tower over our base and collect the balls that fall through. If there is time remaining we will use it to collect and deposit the remaining balls on our side of the front edge. Also we could potentially play defense or gather other balls if the opponent's strategy makes such actions necessary.

Machine Concept
Our machine concept consists of three modules: a drive train, side rails, and a front "bumper arm." The drive train will be composed of a double gearbox motor that will deliver variable differential thrust which we will use to turn from the rear. The "bumper arm" will; 1) trap the ball(s) by rotating down 45 degrees from the horizontal and containing the ball between itself, the two side rails, and front end, and 2) provide contact during the pushing of the tower while in the horizontal position. Finally, the side rails will contain the ball(s) after they are trapped and also serve as storage, thereof, during transport to hole.